Welcome to Dynamology©

N. Graham DullardThe Church of Dynamology was founded by N. Graham Dullard, world-renowned author, philosopher, brain surgeon and cosmologist. Mr. Dullard, after a distinguished career in the United States Marines, where he earned the Presidential Medal of Valor for Distinguished Service, went on to earn his Ph.D. in Applied Cosmology and Brain Surgery at Faber College, in Muddy Creek, Florida. After graduation, Mr. Dullard penned a number of best-selling works of fiction, including the epic fantasy novel, "Warriors of Planet Zeorg," for which he earned a Pulitzer Prize in literature.

He then retreated from public life for several years, during which time he devoted his energies to conduct investigations into the nature of the universe itself. He discovered many fundamental principles of nature, and based on his research, developed techniques which enabled him to harness the energy of the cosmos. He called his method of cosmic control "Dynamentalism," and the Church of Dynamology was born. His remarkable ideas were published in the most highly-regarded book of the millennium, "Dynamentalism: Cosmic Mind Control."

The rest, as they say, is history. N. Graham Dullard began offering courses in his astounding revelations. Thousands of seekers took class after class as they delved deeper into the incredible techniques which allowed them to achieve all they wished in life. Mr. Dullard also developed a complex bio-electrical apparatus, the "D-Ceiver," (see photo) which allows one to more effectively channel cosmic energy.

As Mr. Dullard explains in his book, at the creation of the universe ("The Big Bang"), two forms of energy were created. The first of these is known as Dynamic Energy, and is the source of all that is good and life-sustaining. The second form is Entropic Energy, the source of all negativity. This Entropic Energy is like chunky bits of cosmic debris which prevent us from achieving our true potential. Fortunately, N. Graham Dullard's genius enables us to pierce the veil of Entropic Obfuscation and discover True Enlightenment.

Naturally, there are those who might be skeptical of Mr. Dullard's claims. But they're just being silly. After all, many famous (and good-looking) Hollywood Celebrities are members of our Church! Shouldn't YOU be one, too? We welcome your questions concerning our Church. We also offer an online "Dynamentality Test". The results of this test, when compiled by our on-line Psycho-Actualizer, will provide you with an in-depth analysis of your personality and offer insight as to how YOU may benefit from Dynamentalism. As N. Graham Dullard likes to say, "Once you join the ranks of enlightened Dynamologists, you will never leave"!

